Dear People
We’ve moved to Tumblr GitHub! If you were looking for workshops, those are on hold. If you were looking for old recordings, we hope to get a few more of those up soon. Scroll down for any events on the horizon.
27 April 2024
We’ve moved to Tumblr GitHub! If you were looking for workshops, those are on hold. If you were looking for old recordings, we hope to get a few more of those up soon. Scroll down for any events on the horizon.
27 April 2024
From the Write CY time machine. Poet Marilena Zackheos reads two poems from Carmine Lullabies in her snazzy Scooby Doo slippers. This performance is from Open Mic Night 5 back in October 2016.
20 May 2024
We’re back at Prozak on Saturday April 29, 2023 at 8PM to scratch our heads at the state of affairs, guzzle beer, and share a story, poem, or song or two. Open theme. Pretty much anything goes. If you’ve got something to say, DM us on Facebook to reserve your spot. Registrations open Sunday April 23. 🎤
18 April 2023
2016, we’d probably all agree, was a good contender for the King of Shitty Years. It was the year Donald Trump got elected and David Bowie died. Playing on the TV day and night, ever-present as static on a busted TV, Aleppo was burning.
Something in the cosmic balance was definitely way off.
Argyris Loizou managed to put it all into words that made the hair on the back of our necks stand on end for a full five minutes. It didn’t make us feel any better listening, but I think we all sighed a collective sigh of relief at feeling so bad together.
This recording is from our archives. It originally appeared on December 22, 2016.
06 Feb 2023
Who decides if you are being productive and leading a meaningful life? Is it society? The internet? Your relatives? Could it be you?
On a quiet Sunday evening, while yet another week of an infinite corporate cycle loomed over her, Kalli Koulloufidou took a look at her hands... and decided it would make absolutely no difference to the world if she chopped them off.
This recording is from our archives. It originally appeared on January 7, 2019.
04 Feb 2023
Sometimes pictures are worth a thousand words. Other times titles say it all. Enjoy our favorite performance of Open Mic Night 16 and say goodbye to every wishy-washy literary portrait of Saint Nick you ever read. Because Kimberly Ioannou smashes them all to bits.
This recording is from our archives. It originally appeared on Febrary 20, 2019.
03 Feb 2023
After three years of serious Rip Van Winkeling, we’re back at Prozak. Bring your original stories, poems, songs, rants, and spoken word on Saturday March 4, 2023 at 8PM. Performers, please DM us on Facebook to reserve your spot.
01 Feb 2023
Write CY co-founder Max Sheridan reads a short piece about a guy who’s got a lot of questions for his wife. This recording is from Open Mic Night 7 in November 2016.
14 December 2022
Join us for our second Open Air Open Mic at 17:00 on Sunday 5 June, 2022 at Kala Kathoumena. There’s no theme this time, so bring whatever you’ve got. Enjoy a cold beer. Blow us away with your words. See you Sunday.
29 May 2022
When we had our last Open Mic Night (online), things were pretty fucked up. Since then, they’ve gotten a lot more fucked up. And god knows it hasn’t been easy not being able to talk about it. For that reason — and because cold beer on a Sunday evening is a lot better than watching more crap on Netflix — we’re venturing back to the mic.
This time around we’re outside at Kala Kathoumena in Old Nicosia. It truly (truly) pains us not to be telling stories at Prozak Kafeneion, but for the time being we’re trying to make everyone comfortable. So outside it is.
Catch us at Kala Kathoumena at 17:00 Sunday 22 May, 2022. Bring your original stories, poems, songs, and inner pain and joy. You’ve got 5 minutes to rock our worlds.
Got something to share? Register here.
Show your support by joining the event on Facebook.
14 May 2022
I was 25 when I read Dylan Thomas’ Lament Poem to a room of amateur poets at one of their monthly gatherings in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
As Dylan Thomas.
07 May 2022